
Sunday, October 29, 2006

My Kind of Marathon

November is NaNoWriMo.

That stands for National Novel Writing Month. The objective is to write a 50,000 word novel between November 1 and November 30. For those of you searching for your caculators, that comes out to 7 pages a day. NaNoWriMo has grown tremendously in its few short years of existence from 29 participants the first year to 59,000 last year.

Many people in BlogWorld were talking about giving it a try. Of course, considering how well I keep this space up (NOT) 7 pages a day seems pretty far outside the scope of my capability. So then Blog people were talking about observing NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) with a blog post every day of the month. Again, a bit of a reach for me.

I guess a few others got just as squeamish over that sooo....enter the dumbing down of America...they decided to meet that challenge with 30 Songs in 30 Days. The only requirement is to post each day the lyrics of a song. Well.
It's good to have goals.
Whatever they are.

So my avoidance of NaNoWriMo excuse is Busy at Work.
Which is actually true.
And who says it has to be November anyway? That doesn't seem like a good choice because everyone is busy in November.
Why not March?


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